As Colchester is a garrison town the MOD is a key employer and a large proportion of our local workforce works for the Armed Forces.

Yet too often the MOD is failing its workers by not giving them the support they need both when they are serving and after they leave service.

From privatisation and outsourcing, which has reduced the quality of accommodation and catering, to inadequate training and pastoral care to help people to transition to civilian life, the MOD is falling short of the standards that forces workers should be able to expect from their employer.


What needs to change?

  • Fair pay. An army private starting salary is now £1159 lower in real terms today than in 2010
  • Better housing for Service families
  • A representative body similar to the Police Federation
  • End privatisation and outsourcing. Bring catering back in house with military chefs
  • Increase in numbers of serving personnel
  • Improve retention and recruitment levels
  • Improve preparation for transition to civilian life

We expect our Armed Forces to defend us and keep us safe. In return we must ensure that they are treated with respect and dignity while they serve and when they return to civilian life.

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